Friday, July 1, 2016

why it took so long to update my blog.

In fact i need not explain to anyone but myself why it took so long to update my blog.

First of all i'm not into the rat race of art market, or 'art circus' secondly i was disappointed from 'so called artists friends' who pretended to be fakes in their approach towards art.

since documentation of one's own work of art is a good habit to help people to understand my works, i started updating my blogg with slow pace.

besides all these personal manipulation i was involved in building my ever cherished dream house for myself after living nearly 20 years with my mother, a beautiful and lovely lady in a small space where i could not feel comfortable to paint, read or engage in my artistic expressions.

But when i think back of my past, i realize i worked more in water colour in those two bedroom apartment (from 2007-2014) than now.

It took one year and three months to complete the new house with tensed days to force myself to engage in things which i never liked. Very often my drowning 'self ' was inspired by my Mother and few good hearted friends by reminding me of the final result of my hardship, that i will 've my own space at the riverside. which i really enjoy now every moment i'm there.

Then came the shifting process into the new house. which was more hard than i thought. No one was free to help to transport my few furnitures, books and the paintings which were kept under the water tank of my young brother Kuriens Mathew, and two of my good friends Dr. Mukundanunni's house and Radhakrishnan's house for nearly 7 years. The rest of my paintings were kept under my bed, oand the rest over the shelf in the kitchen of mother's flat.

So these are the main reason that i did not update my blogg for a long time.

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