Friday, June 22, 2012

 'Dance of the Wild' Bronze. ( unfinished)

This was my first attempt to create a small sculpture in a new medium. 
This little unfinished sculpture is a group of four men holding each other in a dancing movement.
My first attempt to sculpt in Granite at the National sculptors workshop at Kozhikode, 15 may - 10 June. 2012.titled " Rain Lamp "
approx. 14 ft high, 16 ft long.
installed at the south beach of Kozhikode.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

'waterlilies' Acrylic on canvas.2012

This too is a try after a long time neglect to paint what i see...!
i was never fascinated to paint what i see ..but perhaps it is a good way to learn about different shades of colour in nature, shapes, textures and expressions etc. this beautiful water lilies in the garden of a Ayurveda hospital attracted me and a friend of mine when he was under treatment. 
Is it true that only when one feels sick or one feels our body is losing it's sense of " I AM ", one tend to observe beauty around ??